
What Is Electrolysis?

The chart provides laser fees for common areas

Electrolysis destroys hair with heat


Electrolysis is an umbrella term referring to  both radio frequency and to direct current treatment.   Most electrologists use radio frequency  but often galvanic current is used simultaneously.  These 2 currents denature the hair follicle, one by heating the follicle and the other by dissolving it chemically.  When both are used at the same time, the treatment is referred to as a Blend.

Radio frequency generates heat which destroys the hair follicle.  Unlike laser which is is a light beam, a probe is manually inserted into each hair follicle, then applying the current.  The skin may be irritated by this procedure, become slightly swollen for a short time, and exhibit some temporary, minimal discolouration.   Since laser treats the hair in less time and irritation, electrolysis is used mainly in the following situations.

Electrolysis is safe for all skin colours.

  1. White, blonde or red hair
  2. Fine hair
  3. Hair located in orifices or crevices
  4. Eyebrow shaping
  5. Skin which is too dark for laser
  6. When there are only a few dark hairs. If you can easily count them, then it would be cheaper to do electrolysis.   If there are a lot, then it’s generally more economical to go with laser.

Is electrolysis more “permanent” than laser?

Is it forever or just long lasting?

Is it forever or just long lasting?

Laser and Electrolysis are both Permanent! Since the FDA defines both laser and electrolysis as permanent treatments then why do we hear that electrolysis is more permanent than laser?  Simply, it's because laser is defined as hair 'reduction' while electrolysis is...

Laser is more efficient than Electrolysis…but?

Laser is more efficient than Electrolysis…but?

Laser and electrolysis compliment each other!   Laser and electrolysis are the only methods of permanent hair removal.  Laser is defined by the FDA as 'permanent hair reduction' while Electrolysis is defined as 'permanent hair removal'.  It 's a little confusing...

Laser prices for men and women

Laser prices for men and women

COMMON  AREAS Fees per session (may be subject to consultation) Face (not inl. forehead)    >$125.00 Half Face $100.00 sideburns $80.00 Upper Lip $50.00 Chin $60.00 Upper Lip and chin $80.00 neck >$60.00 Underarms $80.00 Lower arms $150.00 fingers or toes $80.00...