FAQs Laser
Is it forever or just long lasting?

Is it forever or just long lasting?

Laser and Electrolysis are both Permanent! Since the FDA defines both laser and electrolysis as permanent treatments then why do we hear that electrolysis is more permanent than laser?  Simply, it's because laser is defined as hair 'reduction'...

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Laser prices for men and women

Laser prices for men and women

COMMON  AREAS Fees per session (may be subject to consultation) Face (not inl. forehead)    >$125.00 Half Face $100.00 sideburns $80.00 Upper Lip $50.00 Chin $60.00 Upper Lip and chin $80.00 neck >$60.00 Underarms $80.00 Lower arms $150.00...

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50% price reduction? . . . . tell me more

50% price reduction? . . . . tell me more

Multiple areas Up to 50% price reduction of additional areas is possible If you treat multiple areas in one session you will receive a discount with each additional area.  It's also based on time used and since everyone's different..we may need to...

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Laser or electrolysis for darker skins

Laser or electrolysis for darker skins

Laser is the preferred method of permanent hair removal Can everyone benefit from it? The combination of light skin colour and dark hair is ideal.  Why?  Laser destroys dark hair better than lighter hair because the darker the root is, the more the...

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On the plus side of the laser pulse

On the plus side of the laser pulse

Go with laser... When the hair is visibly dark and there's a lot (a few dozen or more). Electrolysis would be suitable as well in this case because the end cost would be similar.  The more hair there is though, the more cost effective laser...

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Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

Why the confusion about the permanence of laser? Electrologists provided the first and only permanent relief from disfiguring hair for over 110 years.  Then in the 1980's a new method emerged that would be a real game changer in this field.  For...

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How many sessions will I need

How many sessions will I need

Typically, you will need between 5 and 8 sessions Some may experience satisfactory results in a couple of sessions whereas others  prove to be slow responders, requiring multiple more.   Factors like skin and hair colour are important, but results...

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Discomfort and other concerns

Discomfort and other concerns

The sensation you experience  is dependent on several factors   ....the area treated, the amount of hair in that area, power settings and individual tolerance levels. The intensity may be compared to that of waxing. The type of sensation may...

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