
What causes unwanted hair growth in men?

The chart provides laser fees for common areas

Hair patterns are dynamic


It is our hormones and our genetic makeup that dictate the patterns of hair growth in most of us. Testosterone is the most potent of the male hormones. Testosterone stimulates hair growth on the face and body. Generally, the more testosterone, the faster and coarser body and facial and body hair will grow.

Beginning at puberty, and often accelerating during the 20’s, total body hair increases in men. The changing pattern of hair growth on the shoulders and back can be disconcerting to many males. Normal levels of testosterone vary wildly for men, and so a visit to the doctor will, no doubt, prove unenlightening.

A medical solution is not in the cards. Few men would prefer to use estrogens as a means to mediate their hair growth, as it may have negative effects on libido as well as other characteristics. The exception is males who are in gender transition. They will generally be taking female hormones to feminize their bodies. Estrogens and testosterone blockers are the only option for slowing hair growth in men.

The hair patterns men develop can usually be attributed to heredity. Even though often only one male in a family exhibits excessive hair growth, the offending gene may be found on the maternal side, or it may have skipped a generation.

Men who use body-building steroids should not be surprised to see their hair, especially back hair, increase. Men can develop coarse nose and ear hairs, eyebrows become bushier, and the hairline may even recede.  Males who exhibit full body hair patterns are sometimes more susceptible to early balding.

All of these areas can be dealt with with laser or electrolysis. The most commonly treated area is the back. It needs to receive an full assessment to try to determine whether or not it has finished growing before an estimate can be given. If a subject presents with a terminal type growth that encompasses the entire back and shoulders then the area is probably mature which means little new hair will grow in that area.  Some males grow back hair well into their fifties or sixties some don’t even begin until their fifties, so it varies a lot.   In both men and women, as hormones decrease later in life, body hair decreases, starting with the legs and arms.

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Laser prices for men and women

Laser prices for men and women

COMMON  AREAS Fees per session (may be subject to consultation) Face (not inl. forehead)    >$125.00 Half Face $100.00 sideburns $80.00 Upper Lip $50.00 Chin $60.00 Upper Lip and chin $80.00 neck >$60.00 Underarms $80.00 Lower arms $150.00 fingers or toes $80.00...