
Looking for an electrologist?

The chart provides laser fees for common areas

Do your homework, and go for the consult

If you would like to learn more about electrolysis, please take advantage of the courtesy consultation we offer. Consultations provide individualized information and also offer a demonstration. The demo will help you judge the quality of the treatment you will be paying for.

The operator should be concerned about what you have been doing with your hair up to now, i.e. shaving, waxing, or tweezing, and the last time you removed any hair. This information is imperative in order for her to evaluate and predict your hair growth, as well as giving estimates.

She should not tell you that you are going to be an “especially tough case” because you have tweezed or because your hair roots are “distorted.” Even very tough hairs are rarely distorted. The coarsest of hairs can become so without ever being plucked, and the most plucked hair may remain fine.

You should not feel that the needle is piercing the skin. In a proper insertion, the needle passes down the hair pore, Although you may be aware of the insertion, it should not be painful. There should be no bleeding at the point of insertion.


If a hair has been adequately treated, it will disengage easily from the follicles. You should definitely feel heat or pinch of the current but it should not be intolerable.  The stronger the hair or the more sensitive the area, the more distinctly the current will be felt. The stronger the current being used, the better the results will be.

The operator should not promote products which claim to reduce or retard hair growth.

Your operator should be willing to give you an estimate of the cost involved in your case. Although it is impossible to know the exact figure, it is equally impossible for an experienced electrologist who keeps good records not to be able to make an educated guess.

You’re not convinced? Ask for three referrals to customers who have had work done that’s similar to yours, and call them!

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On the plus side of the laser pulse

On the plus side of the laser pulse

Go with laser... When the hair is visibly dark and there's a lot (a few dozen or more). Electrolysis would be suitable as well in this case because the end cost would be similar.  The more hair there is though, the more cost effective laser becomes. Sometimes it comes...

How long will it take?

How long will it take?

6 - 18 months (with regular treatment) When receiving efficient electrolysis  treatment regularly for a any area, 75% of the offending hairs can be eliminated within the first four to six months.  The key is clearing the area once every two weeks.  If the hairs are...

Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

Why the confusion about the permanence of laser? Electrologists provided the first and only permanent relief from disfiguring hair for over 110 years.  Then in the 1980’s a new method emerged that would be a real game changer in this field.  Sufferers of hirsutism...