
On the plus side of the laser pulse

The chart provides laser fees for common areas

Go with laser…

When the hair is visibly dark and there’s a lot (a few dozen or more). Electrolysis would be suitable as well in this case because the end cost would be similar.  The more hair there is though, the more cost effective laser becomes. Sometimes it comes down to personal preference.

It may be that the sensation produced by one or the other is preferable.

Or, the fact that when receiving laser, the  treatment area must be shaven, while prior to treatment with electrolysis it is required to grow the hair for a few days. 

Laser treatments are generally not scheduled as frequently as electrolysis.

Another plus is the fact that  regrowth is more  delayed than any other form of hair removal.

The skin may have less of an inflammatory response to laser. 

But  whichever you  choose, you have to remember, laser is only going to be effective on hair that is dark brown or black and not fine.

If you have a variety of hair types and colours to treat, or you have some detailing to do, electrolysis will be more appropriate.  In many cases it is necessary to treat with both methods!

More in depth

How long will it take?

How long will it take?

6 - 18 months (with regular treatment) When receiving efficient electrolysis  treatment regularly for a any area, 75% of the offending hairs can be eliminated within the first four to six months.  The key is clearing the area once every two weeks.  If the hairs are...

Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

Have you heard that laser isn’t permanent?

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How many sessions will I need

How many sessions will I need

Typically, you will need between 5 and 8 sessions Some may experience satisfactory results in a couple of sessions whereas others  prove to be slow responders, requiring multiple more.   Factors like skin and hair colour are important, but results often surprise. The...